Well it's certainly not easy cleaning up the mess 8 years of misdirected education, low self esteem and shitty luck have left me in- but I'm certainly trying! I've begun the fun task of narrowing down graduate schools... well so far just PR and Advertising- I still have the art schools (yeegawds). Doing this without a college advisor sucks ass. Although I must note my college advisor was kind of a bitch so really not having her isn't
that bad. I bought a ton of books which I'm weeding through going to the colleges' websites and clicking the "send me resources" box (if one exists), and eliminating the colleges who's websites open up with a big Crucifix and/or have the word Jesus in their slogan. Basically out of 39 that means only 8 have been eliminated so far. I don't mind going to school in Texas, I'd just like to be Jewish whilst I do it.
I'm also applying to non-matriculated classes at local colleges so I can have recent "recommendation letters". Oh- and still plugging away trying to find a legit job too. Now I get to blame the economy on why I'm not getting hired! I feel so good having an excuse other than "I have no idea I must be worthless". I actually am trying to get away from all the negative. Not really sure how I got here but at least I'm making a change now vs waking up when I'm 46 and miserable.
In wedding news here are some pics!

My new lil bro and KrisOh and I got the "blue bird of happiness" charm in honor of the lucky bird who pooped on my mom's head.