I have decided after much thinking I have my priorities in order. Other people may not always agree with that statement- BUT I sure as heck do. My trip to Vegas was great, awkward, and depressing, in that order. Great in that Vegas is like a playground for adults and super fun if you go with a great dude like my friend Kris, but awkward when everyone thinks you're married or dating and just straight depressing when he then up and leaves for Iraq when your Vegas hurrah is over. I saw my cousin Nessa and her boyfriend Jay. They are super gross cute together which makes being single kinda suck all the more. I also saw George Carlin (great, but darker then usual) and The Amazing Johnathan (a let down). After a plane delay because people in Vegas think the sky is falling when it rains I ended up back in NYC and promptly running late to my nephew Leeum's bris. At least I think that is how you spell it. How pimp is that? Leeum? I am one proud auntie! Viva life!