With all the holiday cheer strewn up everywhere, warping my fragile little mind to spend, spend, spend, it's both a comfort and a distress to be a Jew. A comfort in that I don't have to worry about buying tons of Xmas junk, and a distress in that I don't get tons of Xmas junk! As a kid not having a tree was the hardest thing. I would break branches off the trees on the sidewalk, smuggle them into my house, hide them where my mom couldn't see, and decorate them with whatever sparkly crap I could find.
I'm not kidding. Christmas junk has this effect!
Now as an adult (or something like it) I'm cooler with not celebrating the birth of Christ. No Santa sweaters, no pine needles everywhere. But there is also no TV specials other than "A Rugrats Hanukah", no Chanukah cookies! (Notice my use of both spellings). And for that matter who has like 20 flippin spellings for their holiday name anyway?! God being a Jew is complicated.
I would also like to mention my good friend Kris is over in Iraq right now (he's a Christian) but regardless it sucks majorly not to be able to celebrate the holidays with your folks. The pic of Bush is for him. Once I get his mailing address I'll post it here so you can all send him your good wishes- and maybe proselatize him with a dreidal or two.
Merry Hanuchriskwanza!