There was a very wise man- my idol Claude Bristol as a matter of fact- who said "If you can convince yourself you can convince the other fellow". I find this applies beautifully to advertising. I started my transition out of my midlife crisis last night at SVA where I'm learning advertising. The class was taught by two awesome fellows who drew caricatures of themselves on the chalk board so we'd know who they were. How could I not love them? If they love me remains to be seen- I wasn't getting the warm and fuzzy vibe. Most of the people are between 22-40 I'd guess, and many are already in advertising but just want to work on their books. I am hoping tonights installment will yield people who, like me, never took a single advertising class, and instead wasted 4 years studying how to write a bad script and give a detailed history of Zorostrianism.
My current obsessions include my roots which are giving away the fact that I am clearly not a natural blonde (have to wait till February to do my roots as I can only afford a touch up every 2 months), the hasid rapper Matisyahu (how cool is that?), cashmere sweaters, and going back to weight watchers before my gut overflows into a sea of bubble fat. No doubt if I can convince myself to go Mr. Bristol would be proud.