So now I've discovered the origin of the term "crazy quilt"- yea they want you to believe it's a pattern- but oh no- it's the feeling you get when you're up to you neck in fabric hoping like crazy you can cut a straight line yet alone finish it. No wonder it usually takes 20 old ladies to make one frickin quilt! In my ever continuing quest to finish my nephew Jack's quilt I've also discovered why sewing machines were invented. Sadly I have no such machine, and even if I did I wouldn't know how to use it. So I'm stuck bumbling away on a pettern which gets more complex every time I breathe on it. I had a real bad ass pattern figured out but then my mom claimed it looked like a "cross" (pffff yea right), but you can't go giving religious jews crosses since I guess it's not kosher or something so I changed it. Not to say the quilt isn't looked wicked (it most certantly is), but it still would be easier to finish the damn thing with 50 poor kids in a sweatshop!