Some how, despite months of utter horror, it looks like my nephew Jack's quilt is finally 75% way done. I know- I'm shocked too. I have a hard time comprehending that the quilt will ever be finished- like Sisyphus I figured I'd be sewing forever, always getting no where. Meanwhile Jack keeps getting older, as babies are prone to do, and all I want it to have this done before he becomes cognizant and resentful. "There's Auntie Halli....the bitch". Now there's a phrase I'd love to avoid! Next thing you know I'll have a cigarette in one hand, a highball in the other, and all I'll be able to do is drunkenly slur the quilt will surely be ready by his 45th birthday. Hoo boy- I am NOT gonna be the uncle Lloyd of this generation of Gombergs if I can help it.