Requests for this gig keep getting weirder- today I was sent out for: a compass (at first we thought the
kind of compass you draw circles with and then learned he meant the kind you use when you're lost in the woods), a stop watch, and of course a Quiznos Tropical ice tea. Our producer is obsessed with Quiznos iced tea- the tropical kind- and needs a daily fix like some people need a hit of crank. For those of you who know Quiznos, it's about three rungs down the ladder from Subway and their ice tea reflects this. When I was riddled with cancer and had to have catscans they would make me drink this nuclear white drink that was supposed to taste like creamsicle barf.
It tasted better then a tropical Quiznos ice tea.
Now I wouldn't have much to say on the topic of fetching ice tea if it didn't involve me tasting it each time. Hell I get coffee and tea all day long for everyone who asks. It's the whole
tasting it thing that's starting to wear on me. See the class-act people over at Quiznos almost always mislabel the ice tea containers. This means that while the machine may
SAY tropical it could really be regular. God forbid it's regular. So the only way to keep this from occuring is for me to actually pour a little into the cup and taste it. By producer's
request I do this. Ah, the glamourous life of a PA!