Ahhhhh to live in Japan where I could spend all day every day in figure shrouding kimono. But alas I live in NYC where jeans are the norm and I've come to accept two horrible facts:
1) I no longer fit in my jeans
2) I am to poor to buy new jeans
With the cold weather approaching stretchy skirts won't do even with leggings. So I was forced to answer the horrible "what to do?" Well I like my old jeans, they may not fit but they're cute. And as I rapidly head toward the obese end of five feet tall.... today I came face to face with my demon. Fat, thy name is weight watchers.
Does any sensible person want to shell out $13 a week to gather en-masse and complain about food? Not really. But last year when I weighed much less and joined, and the points system worked. So I'm doing it again. The idea of not eating chicken fried rice is awful. And points don't say you can't eat stuff, just to limit what you can eat. Whatever- send support my way troups!