"Did fashion muse Isabella poison herself?"
This is the question posed by the UK Daily Mail. Apparently poor Isabella Blow was found dead and while she may indeed have been battling cancer she was also battling deep depression and had made numerous attempts at committing suicide. One attempt- where she jumped off a bridge- left her feet broken. Unable to wear stilettos Manolo Bhlanik and Christian Louboutin sent her flats. My god the woman even attempted suicide in style!
Izzy was the former assitant to fashion shark Anna Wintour. A role I can relate to all to well.
Says the Daily Mail, "Blow began her fashion career in 1981 as Wintour's assistant.
"In a world that's largely driven by corporate culture she was a joy to have," Wintour added. "She was not too good at getting to the office before 11am, but then she would arrive dressed as a maharaja or an Edith Sitwell figure.
"I don't think she ever did my expenses but she made life much more interesting."
"In a world that's largely driven by corporate culture she was a joy to have," Wintour added. "She was not too good at getting to the office before 11am, but then she would arrive dressed as a maharaja or an Edith Sitwell figure.
"I don't think she ever did my expenses but she made life much more interesting."
Did Izzy take her own life? According the the reports coming in it seems likely. What a dark end to a bright life.