I have had such an awful day today- battling Time Warner to get a technician over here (no TV is an awful thing), dealing with my cat Nigel's realization that my mom's apartment is waaaaaay nicer then mine, trying to unpack a seemingly endless mountain of boxes, and all the meantime dealing with idiots at every corner.
However some good did manage to come out of today. I sold two nasty old Persian rugs on Craigslist. Yes I only made $45 on two rugs probably worth $500 each. But they were covered in cat hair and vomit. So really both the buyer and I were probably just thinking "sucker". And then tonight some lady is coming to pick up my toaster for $8 (she talked me down from $10). And when you're jobless it all adds up believe me.
My new apartment makes me think about living in the big cities of Japan where housing space is non existent and people have to roll out tatami beds for lack of bed frame space. Personally I probably would be waaaay better off sleeping on a mat and stacking me shit to the ceiling. But some days even rolling out a mat seems like to much effort.
In awesome I-am-so-jealous news my big brother David is going to Japan on business soon. He keeps making the point that it's not for free and he's paying but STILL a girl can be green with envy. Times aren't so great in the land of the rising sun. The Japan Rugby Football Union has indefinitely suspended one of it's players for smoking pot, the economy contracted at an annual pace of more than 10 percent in the fourth quarter, and the U.N. is all up in Japan's grill over greenhouse gas emissions. I feel bad for Japan- mainly because in my dreams it's a place with endless Luis Vuitton purses and sake bottles filled with money. But it's also comforting to know I'm not missing out financially by not being there.
In random news here is a photo of my nephew Tobi after his big brother Liam dumped sand over him. The struggle for dominance continues! MAN can I relate to this photo. It's like a metaphor for everything right now. Goes to show I'm not the only one suffering from Friday the 13th.