If you're a japan buff like myself, then you know about giri-choco ("obligation chocolates") that women give men February 14th. On white day, a month later, men are suposed to recipricate. The result? Both sexes hate giri-choco and white day- shocking. Want more info? http://www.crisscross.com/jp/popvox/549 has a delightful article on how Japanese youth spent yesterday and plan to spend white day. As for myself, my odd ball plea for a Valentine gift in exchange for cookies worked perfectly! Not only did some kind soul reach out, but he's from Japan and a native New Zealander- rock on! I'll let you know when my reverse giri-choco arrives. In the mean time his cookies are in transit to Japan.
Oh and I would be amiss if I failed to note the super kawaii gift my mom got for Valentines day. Any necklace that involves pearls and diamonds is always a solid bet on V-day!