I have a nasty, disgusting wart on the ring finger of my right hand. It has been years since I had a wart, but when I did it was also on my right hand. Sounds vaguely conspiracy-ish if you ask me. Because it is on the tip of my finger, where all the nerve endings are, it hurts and I am constantly reminded it is there. When I went to my dermatologist last week it was so small I even questioned if it was in fact a wart. But after she got me not once, but twice with the nitrus oxide (whatever that stuff is that looks like dry ice), she wrote me a prescription for the acid I had applied all those years ago to my first wart. So now I get to apply this acid to my finger- it smells awful, sticks to my flesh like crazy glue, and hurts if it's doing the job. A side affect is that my skin becomes one big scabby callus, which has to be pulled off to get to the infected skin. Hurrah! For your viewing pleasure I found a picture of a wart on the net- doesn't it look like the nipple from hell?