The word abandon is so ugly. It conjures up the image of something rusting or dilapidating- and really who wants to picture a caved in blog? I've been so busy the past few weeks doing what, in retrospect, seems like nothing at all. Been on some commercials which remind me why I hate PAing, seeing my family, spending time in the Hamptons, painting, reading, and seeing my boyfriend . At this one particular second I am on my bed with my dying AC on full blast, my cat curled up next to me, and the TV tuned into QVC (Joan Rivers is SOOO kawaii!). I have a secret love of the home shopping networks. The hosts are always so chipper and creepy- and there is nothing more macabre then watching fallen celebs peddle their wears. I have yet to buy anything, I like it more for the rubber necking/car wreck feeling I get. Joan River's is one of my favorites. She's this bawdy old lady, beautifully done up- I always fantasized about walking the red carpet and when she came up to me I'd be wearing her QVC jewelry and so she couldn't diss my outfit! I have of course been doing stuff other then watching QVC- like interviewing. I thought I could taste this job at MTV I interviewed for a few weeks ago. I wanted it SO BAD! But alas! Thanks to monster.com I'm interviewing to be a secretary at an advertising agency (random I know), but I rather be doing that then driving a van and getting screamed at like a 4 year old at two am. Ah well, back to Joan!