“How soon can you start?”
John Maynard Berkeley, Calif. submitted this winning caption
Yea I know it's small. For a better shot go here (http://www.barnaclepress.com/cmcvlt/MickeyMouse/mm301024.jpg)
It's Mickey Mouse trying to commit suicide. I sh*t you not.
OK.... So maybe this puppy is from Japan. But isn't this just like a sign from God that Kawaii and all things lovable are Japanse? Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? I hope they breed this dog until his genetics run rampent. I will pay top yen for a heart puppy! (PS this wasn't some weird doggy experiment, just a natural acident which makes it 110% more amazing.
My next piece of horrible weirdness comes from an American based website Yahoo.com (which I love). They're using an article (probably from Reuters) which covers the false David Beckem walking around L.A. and :gasp: messing with peoples heads! Someone actually said this folks:
"Officials realized the calls were a hoax after Department of Children and Family Services staffers grilled the caller.
"It just smacked of bogusity," department spokeswoman Louise Grasmehr said."
Yep. Only in America could a government official use the grammer of a 9th grade cheerleader.
GOOOOO America!