Fashion week is coming up- I'm so excited I can hardly stop hitting "refresh" on While I won't be attend any shows this round (so sad) here is the invite for Betsey Johnson's show:

One of the MANY MANY reasons I love Betsey stems from an incident when I was 17 years old. I was working in a vintage clothing shop where Betsey and the owner were good friends. She would come in frequently wearing amazing shoes (she called them her "fuck me" shoes) they were 4 inches high and covered in glitter.
I now own like 6 pairs of those shoes.
But I digress.
So Betsey came in and was talking with my boss when this famous billionaire and his trophy wife walk in. His wife was trying to haggle over the price of a $500 dress- which granted was probably over priced- but damn if everyone didn't know the woman probably used $10,000 bills as Kleenex- so there was no way my boss was going to go down a cent.
So the guy and his wife leave and Betsey goes "I wonder why rich people are so cheap?"
And I say "Well that's how they got so rich"
And she said I was very wise! Hot damn!
I have more stories about Betsey and that job but I'll hold off for now.