It's Shavouot- that means eating cheescake, reading the book of Ruth, and having a good old fashion kibbutz parade!!! My ulpan got to ride on the back of a tractor trailor, wear white, and wave flags for our countries. I handmade an America flag since I couldn't find one around. I have to admit it was fun- all the kibbutz kids paraded by, the youngest did the horah, and for the topper all the new babies born on the kibbutz in the past year were brought out and danced with their parents on stage! Chamood may-ode! (so cute)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Say Cheescake!
It's Shavouot- that means eating cheescake, reading the book of Ruth, and having a good old fashion kibbutz parade!!! My ulpan got to ride on the back of a tractor trailor, wear white, and wave flags for our countries. I handmade an America flag since I couldn't find one around. I have to admit it was fun- all the kibbutz kids paraded by, the youngest did the horah, and for the topper all the new babies born on the kibbutz in the past year were brought out and danced with their parents on stage! Chamood may-ode! (so cute)