My sister's boyfriend was host to a bunch of students from Westpoint. The students are here in Israel to learn some Hebrew and Arabic, and to learn about the country and culture they are duty bound to protect. I was able to tag along as we went to Haifa (Baihai gardens), Akko (where the crusaders stayed as they raped and pillaged to Jerusalem), and Ceasaria (the capital of king Herod- of Jesus fame).
Monday, June 09, 2008
Westpoint comes to Israel
My sister's boyfriend was host to a bunch of students from Westpoint. The students are here in Israel to learn some Hebrew and Arabic, and to learn about the country and culture they are duty bound to protect. I was able to tag along as we went to Haifa (Baihai gardens), Akko (where the crusaders stayed as they raped and pillaged to Jerusalem), and Ceasaria (the capital of king Herod- of Jesus fame).