You will do to when it happens to you!
March 26, 11:30am, I will turn the massive 2-5 and you, as my beloved friend are no doubt wondering what to get me. Here is a top ten list in case you actually care about my shattered hopes and dreams.Love ya!
10. We'll start big here since we all know none of you either A) have the cash or B) are gonna buy big. But a girls gotta dream. This year I am feeling PUCCI. ( http://www.emiliopucci.com/ ) Any old PUCCI will do... a scarf, key chain, classic thousand dollar mini dress- nothing big.
9. Wasn't Marilyn smart to know flowers are a girls bestfriend? Especially when their gold and have diamonds. ( http://www.meandrojewelry.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=10&subCat=Rings ) ME and RO has an excellent little ring (I'm a size 6) or you could simply...
8. Get me flowers. http://www.ftd.com/ Always a classic. And a nice welcome to my new apt!
7. A Barnes and noble book. Something on Japan, or a graphic novel.
6. A gift card to Duane Reade. My roommate keeps leaving a ring around the shower. 'nough said.
5. BAKELITE jewlery (something like thishttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=270101820548&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=017 ). Ebay is awash in this colorfull stuff. Or just try the local flea market.
4. Don't like bakelite? BAKE. I love cake. Chocolate with vanilla icing please. Afterall a birthday without cake is like WWII without Hitler.
3. A coffee with YOU. I never see you anymore. You never call, you never write. Yea, no, we're not going dutch on the coffee.
2. Buy me a ringtone for my phone. I think it's like $2.99 and in your honor you can pick out the track.
1. SHOW UP AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! March 31rst, 10pm, the Slipper Room, Manhattan. See? YOU'RE the gift and it's not like you're even being cheap.
Much Love
March 26, 11:30am, I will turn the massive 2-5 and you, as my beloved friend are no doubt wondering what to get me. Here is a top ten list in case you actually care about my shattered hopes and dreams.Love ya!
10. We'll start big here since we all know none of you either A) have the cash or B) are gonna buy big. But a girls gotta dream. This year I am feeling PUCCI. ( http://www.emiliopucci.com/ ) Any old PUCCI will do... a scarf, key chain, classic thousand dollar mini dress- nothing big.
9. Wasn't Marilyn smart to know flowers are a girls bestfriend? Especially when their gold and have diamonds. ( http://www.meandrojewelry.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=10&subCat=Rings ) ME and RO has an excellent little ring (I'm a size 6) or you could simply...
8. Get me flowers. http://www.ftd.com/ Always a classic. And a nice welcome to my new apt!
7. A Barnes and noble book. Something on Japan, or a graphic novel.
6. A gift card to Duane Reade. My roommate keeps leaving a ring around the shower. 'nough said.
5. BAKELITE jewlery (something like thishttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=270101820548&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=017 ). Ebay is awash in this colorfull stuff. Or just try the local flea market.
4. Don't like bakelite? BAKE. I love cake. Chocolate with vanilla icing please. Afterall a birthday without cake is like WWII without Hitler.
3. A coffee with YOU. I never see you anymore. You never call, you never write. Yea, no, we're not going dutch on the coffee.
2. Buy me a ringtone for my phone. I think it's like $2.99 and in your honor you can pick out the track.
1. SHOW UP AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! March 31rst, 10pm, the Slipper Room, Manhattan. See? YOU'RE the gift and it's not like you're even being cheap.
Much Love