Everything is happening way to fast this year. Some people call it global warming- but I think it's something much deeper, untangable and unknowable to those of us who aren't enlightened like Buddah or dead and outside the fish bowl.
The cherry tress in Japan, for example, are blooming at least 2 weeks earlier then ever this year. It's causing a lot of chaos because the blossoms last very briefly and the parties and celebrations that happen surrounding the blooming have to be planned accordingly. Sakura is the name for cherry blossom in Japanese. It's considered bad luck to name your daughter Sakura because then- like the flower- she will die very young. But Sakura represents more then cherry blossoms- it is the idea that life, beauty, the essence of everything joyful can happen quickly.
Life is fleeting, so enjoy it whilst you can.
In this way my life has been very sakura lately. One minute I was happy at home with a job I loved, the next I've moved out (boo) and am moments away from being "transfered" at work (double boo). Why is everything around me so temperal? As a creature of consistancy I personally resent this fact. I like things that stay put and don't change. All this constant sakura is making me anxious and unhappy. My trichotilomania is worse then ever, I'm suddenly left with the question of how can I survive on my own.
I'm an odd bird who would prefer to stay home with my mom and cat- but since this isn't my fate what can I do. Clearly I'm destined to, like the sakura, have brief moments of beauty and joy, while the rest of my time is spent uneventful and ugly.