I'm shinkei no, I won't lie. After blogging about it, reading about, shopping about it, and generally gapping over Japan for at least 10 years I have a job that invloves Japan.
Not like Japan in theory or history. I mean Japan, right fricken now.
I start as an executive assistant in RL International Merchandising this Wednesday. My division focuses on Asia and South America. So yea, technically Russia, Australia, Brazil.... not just Japan. But since, OMIGAWD Ralph has a huuuge store in Tokyo I am focusing on the beyond slim possibility that one day I may actually get to go there for business!! So I went to the Japanese book store, bought a English/Japanese dictionary, and a Japanese lessons book (cheap ones of course since we all know on a good day I'll spend 2 mins looking at them) and am now waiting for Wednesday.
Feeling very, very shinkei no.