Ok- really, really bad pun. With hours spenting clacking away at the keyboard it's amazing what kind of kawaii stuff you can find. Introducing "Dolfie", a doll which you can either customize or buy already made. This makes me long for the days when I used to get a doll ever birthday, before I got old and getting a doll would of just been creepy.
VOLKS INC makes these awesome dolls and sells them on the 6th floor of the World of Radio Building Akihabara. For those of us who can't just click our heels and fly first class to Japan you can buy the dolls on the above link- or just click on it if you're bored and want to be a little freaked out (the uber mannish "Tear drop" dolls show why Lady-boys flourish in Asia). I thought "Kaede" (shown here) looked like me- with my new haircut of course. See if you can find one that looks like you!