If you've been reading Kawaii NYC lately (and apparently some of you actually do), you will have noticed my unflinching devotion to Lileks.com. This image comes from said site- all be it I have edited it down to the part of the picture that REALLY grabbed my attention. At first you can't help but notice how ungodly hairy this man is, not to mention a face only a mother could love. Is that a sweater under his...wait a minute! WHAT is he wearing? Matching low cut body suits with BOWS, BELLBOTTOMS, and thong high heels? No wonder they made him look so macho- any other fellow in the same outfit and you'd question if you were looking at a man at all! I'm surprised they didn't give him a handle bar mustache and a sign that says "Really, I'm not gay". I wonder how many of these actually sold?