AS I sit here writing this I am mostly blind due to an ocular migraine. So I apologize if my writing is sloppier than usual. Sadly I am at work where I can't just go sleep my blindess off- so I took two exedrin and am praying my site should return to normal in about an hour. Ocular migraines, unlike regular head migraines, don't cause that much- if any- pain. What DOES happen is you go blind (no joke) in the majority of your eyes and what you can see is small and unfocused at best. Usually if I drug myself the instant I feel it happening (and you can tell since you ARE suddenly blind and all) I drug myself and the blindess doesn't last nearly as long. But after a year of beating around the bush I have decided to actually go to my dad's migraine doctor for help because going blind has serious disadvantages! For exaple I'd love to read over this posting and correct it for errors but I'm to blind to do so! This is why teaching kids to type without looking is a good idea, in case of ocualr migraines they're still able to bitch in their blogs!