My friend James, in a move so kawaii it defies description, suprised me with tickets to Matisyahu on Tuesday night. How flippin awesome is that? Super weird crowd- the blacks kept staring at the hasids who kept staring at the reforms, who kept staring at the asians, who were staring at the orthodox, who were staring at the 13 year old goys- but a great show nontheless. James is now, aparently, orthodox, which is suprising if you've seen his tattoos and affinity for shellfish. The tattoos may not be going anywhere, but the cigarettes and seafood are a thing of yesterday. I mean, dude was sporting a KIPPAH. Good gravey! But what are you gonna do? When he starts growing a beard and doning a black wool coat in August I'll worry. Till then he stills rocks, kippah or no. As for the show it was great, Matisyahu has a great voice and it's so sureal to sea a hasid bounce up and down and do beat box. In the encore he brought an old hasid guy out to play guitar and a young hasid kid did a horrah with Matisyahu on stage. Could this be the wave of the future, the next trend, black kids with grills and side curls, girls in belly shirts and titsis? If MTV has their way it will be. And why not? Hasn't fashion gone after every other genre? Native American, Indian (think Madonna), Japanese (again Madonna), african/tribal- and now Hasidic Jew (hmmm Ester AGAIN....) I for one won't be sporting a sheitel (how unkawaii can you get), but I'll show my support because lord knows in this day and age us jews need all the support we can get!