Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!

Unlike Whitney I managed my excitment without crack, something I am very proud of. I am also not about to lose control- something she did years ago and appears to be keeping with. Life has been pretty good this week. I've started officially looking for a new nest to reside in, networked my butt off at a Newhouse event, talked to my friend Kris in Iraq (always good to find out he's not dead), got vindication by an ex calling me and leaving a pathetic messege (no I will not call you back), hopped back on the weight watchers band wagon, and despite my unseemly gut got asked out on a date by a jew (my grandma would be so proud). If I wasn't afraid of a VH1 lawsuit I might even dare to call this the best week ever. Ok, well maybe not ever, but the best week in a while anyway. Still it's only thursday- perhaps this could indeed be the best week ever!